Our Networks is volunteer-run and would not be possible without the support of our partners and sponsors.
Tier 1 network sponsors
Tier 2 network sponsors
Tier 3 network sponsors
In-kind sponsors
Venue partners
We have three admission levels: Organization Supporter, Supporter, and Reduced Cost. While the cost for us to host this event is $78 per person, we want to ensure all can attend. We are looking for volunteers (in return for complimentary admission) and are able to offer a limited number of scholarships, please contact us at orga@ournetworks.ca
Organization Supporter
If your org or company is paying or your registration can be reimbursed, consider registering as organization supporter. This allows us to offer reduced cost admissions and scholarships.
The suggested admission for those employed or otherwise financially comfortable. At this rate we can sustain the event.
Reduced Cost
A lower cost admission for those who are unwaged, a student, or otherwise in need of a reduced cost.